Thursday, March 20, 2008

Those bones can't breathe without me!

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together bone to bone. I looked and the tendons and flesh covered them, but there was no breathe in them. Ezekiel 37:7-8

There are some people in this world that prophesy hot air and not breathe. This hot air comes out of their mouth and smothers and chokes the ones that breathe it in. It in not life giving or life breathing. It is flesh breathed, only capable of creating a structure in which its skin would wrap around you and choke you to death! That is why I entreat you to live by the spirit. You as people are capable of choosing to live in the flesh or in the spirit. The same person could prophesy hot air one day and then my life giving breathe in the other! Think about that. The more you come to know me, the more you realize the cost of your hot air. Come close to me and I will breathe upon you such life.

A tree in this polluted world continues to produce oxygen for the world to breathe. I want my people to be like that. Are you in a place where the air feels tight and constricting? Come and seek me, ask me for a new infilling of breathe that will come and bring life and oxygen to your the people that I LOVE. The thing is, once you have breathed in my air, my life, the counterfeit hot air becomes detestable to you. It is no longer able to fill your lungs, and you begin to suffocate. So you cry out to me for my breathe, my spirit to come and fill you.

I want you to adapt, to mature. The more mature the tree, the more life breathing oxygen it produces.

Now think about this. There is not even life without me. I give life to people that produce hot air because I want them to find the truth, I want them to find me, Jesus. I want them to realize that life before me was starving to their lungs...but now they can breathe in the air of the spirit. Like how a baby is born and takes it's first breathe!

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